Trash Bags | Recycled Plastic
Plastic trash bags???
Yes, recycled plastic trash bags. Reality is that most of us are still occasionally sending some things to the landfill. It is important to securely bag this waste so that it does not get lost in transit and end up as litter in our environment. Compostable bags are prone to tear and will not compost in landfill environments. With all of this in mind, we believe trash bags made from recycled plastic are the best option for landfill waste. If it's going to go to landfill it might as well be made from waste already in the system that is heading that way anyways. This lowers the demand for virgin plastics.
These bags do not tear easily and are simple to secure.
13 gallon capacity. 12 bags in a box.
Other low-waste options for bagging landfill waste: empty pet food bags, empty potting soil bags, dry cleaning garment bags with the end tied off, any rogue plastic bag that somehow ends up in your possession.
Let's choose a low-waste lifestyle, mindfully organize our recycling, and embrace composting to reduce our contribution to landfills. But for those must-have items, let's use a solution that prevents new plastic from ending up in the ground.
Materials: 89% PCR Recycled plastic, plastic draw-string
End of Life: Thanks for giving this recycled plastic one more chance at life. To the landfill it goes! Recycle or compost paperboard box.